In the midst of war, enemy engineers, under the direction of the infamous Dr. Klaus, sought to create a new secret weapon. It was in their laboratory that they found a way to reproduce a very aggressive breed of dinosaur, the Anihileratus Rex. The enemy will train it and use it to massacre the allied army. They are currently missing only one element to achieve their ends: fossilized dinosaur blood. The blood contains the DNA of the dinosaur, and a mosquito from the Jurassic era would contain this precious sesame. Legend has it that a long time ago, the Mayan people lost their talisman, a crystal skull. They then replaced it with a mosquito fossil trapped in sap. According to ancient writings, this fossil is located deep within their temple, protected by a powerful curse that prevents anyone from removing it from the temple. The only way to break the curse is to return the crystal skull to the Maya people. Unfortunately, the enemy has already laid their hands on the skull! Your team of adventurers must therefore take back the crystal skull, then cross the jungle to the temple to recover the fossil before Dr. Klaus's team.
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